
Project Butterfly, founded in 2019 by Katherine Ge and Ruby Gao, operates under the belief that even the smallest kind actions can lead to significant positive impacts

We hold weekly online English tutoring to Chinese students. It's this cool online hangout where American students help Chinese buddies get better at English. We chat, share stories, and learn from each other's cultures, making friends from halfway around the world!  We also hold seasonal book club and study camp during spring and summer break to help local students.  

In the past, we  have run  book drives supporting Libraries with Love (501c3) to build school libraries in Africa. We have organized multiple fundraising events and donated $2000+ to support the local media "Youth of We Chinese in America magazine". 
As the severity of the COVID-19 outbreak became evident at 2020, the founders and team members started exploring ways to contribute positively. During quarantine, we reached connection in China to ship 5,000 surgical masks from China, and donated to local hospitals; held blanket drive to collect 48 gently used blankets for San Diego's homeless population; raised $500 to purchase blankets and sneakers for the Alpha Project Bridge Shelter; organized a toy/book drive and collected 200+ toys and 1000+ children books for low-income families; held fundraising  talent performance at Balboa park; donated hygiene products and hand made face shield to small businesses to help local business reopening. 

Our volunteer team has grown impressively, comprising over 60  middle and high school students since club established. As of fall 2023, we have 45 tutors offering  ESL tutoring on weekly basis . We warmly welcome anyone interested to join us.

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